本站为【传爱成考】旗下网站,主要提供免费成人高考政策与资讯,信息仅供学习交流,非官方网站,具体信息以山西省教育考试院www.sxkszs.cn/ 为准。



山西成人高考网www.sxcrgk.com 发布时间: 2016年10月17日

16. in(在……里) We'll be back in three days.

  ( He came back three days ago.)

  Do you work in the daytime or at night?

  We'll be back in no time. (in no time 立刻,马上)

  He is always in a good mood. (in a good mood 情绪很好 in a bad mood 情绪很糟)

  I have no difficulty/ trouble in solving the problem. (no difficulty in doing sth. 没有困难)

  Did you have any difficulty in finding the hotel?

  They have done it in a wrong way. (in a wrong way 错误的方式)

  They accepted the plan in principle. (in principle 原则上)
