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山西成人高考网www.sxcrgk.com 发布时间: 2017年05月26日

11、It wasn‘t an accident. He did it on ________.

  A. reason B. determination C. purpose D. intention

  reason 原因 determination 决心 on purpose 故意 intention 目的 答案 C

  12、You‘ll have to pay for the holiday in _______,I’m afraid.

  A. front B. advance C. ahead D. forward

  front 具体位置空间的前方 in advance 提前 ahead 在……之前,不和in 连用

  forward 向前 答案 B

  13、The bookstore hasn't ordered ________ textbooks for all the students in the course.

  A. enough B. plenty C. as much as D. a great deal of

  enough 修饰名词,在名词之前

  plenty+of as much as 不能修饰名词

  a great deal of 修饰不可数名词。答案 A

  14、As I didn‘t have any experience,I was ________ problems.

  A. likely to have B. probably having

  C. probable to have D. likely having

  be likely to do 很可能有……

  probably 不接doing接to do

  it‘s brobable for sb. that

  答案 A

  15、David may ________ ,but we must go at once.

  A. stay late B. stay lately C. stay a little D. have stayed very late

  stay late

  stay lately lately 近来 答案 A
