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山西成人高考网www.sxcrgk.com 发布时间: 2017年06月03日

25、The government gave several good ______ for increasing the tax on cigarettes.

  A. purposes B. reasons C. questions D. problems

  purpose 目的 reason 原因 question 问题 problem 问题 答案 B


26、Four people were seriously _______ in the accident.

  A. injured B. damaged C. spoiled D. broken injure 受伤


  He damaged my car with a stone.

  ruin:常强调完全毁掉。The storm has ruined the garden.


  He spoiled his painting by putting too much red paint on it.


  He has spoiled his constitution with bad living. 答案 A


27、He spoke so quickly that I didn't ________ what he said.

  A. listen B. catch C. miss D. receive

  listen 听;listen to catch 抓住,听到;miss 丢失;receive 收到


28、He was poor but proud, and _______ every offer of help.

  A. turned down B. turned on C. turned off D. turned out

  turn down 拒绝;turn on 打开;turn on the light 开灯

  turn off 关上;turn off the light turn out 证明为…… 答案 A
