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山西成人高考网www.sxcrgk.com 发布时间: 2017年06月03日

29、In Britain,the best season of the year is probably _______ spring.

  A. later B. latter C. last D. late

  later 以后;latter 后者;last 最后;late 晚的 答案 D


30、How ________ is it from here to the city center?

  A. long B. far C. distant D. near

  how long 一段延续的时间

  ——How long have you studied English?

  ——I have studied English for 3 years (since 3 years ago)。答案 B


31、I wanted to go there by plane but I hadn't enough money to pay for the _____.

  A. journey B. distance C. road D. way

  journey 旅行;distance 距离;road 道路;way 方式方法 答案A
