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山西成人高考网www.sxcrgk.com 发布时间: 2017年06月05日

39、“I'm tired,but let's go.”

  “Why _______ rest a while?”

  A. let's B. not let's C. not D. let's not 答案 C


40、“We won't be finished until tonight.”

  “And they _______.”

  A. will,either B. won't,too C. will,neither D. won't,either

  答案 D


  “A cup of tea,please.”

  A. Do you like tea B. Do you like a cup of tea C. Would you like a cup of tea D. What would you like to drink 答案 D

  42、“Do you mind if I open the window?”

  “________.” A. Sure,certainly not B. All right C. I don't know D. Not at all

  答案 D
