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山西成人高考网www.sxcrgk.com 发布时间: 2013年12月19日




    1.when asked about the ongoing uproar involving u.s. president bill clinton , most people say the affair involves a purely private matter . but many other people regard his actions as deplorable . i personally think the president committed impeachable offences .


    2. when it comes to the increasing use of motor vehicles in beijing , some people think that use should be limited . others argue that the opposite is true . there is probably some truth to both arguments,but emission controls must be instituted regardless of the number of vehicles.


    3. there is a general debate nowadays about the problem of itinerant workers . those who object to the rising migrant population argue that increasing numbers lead to rising crime rates and harm social stability . they believe that strict limits should be placed on migrants entering china ' s cities . but people who favor the influx of the cheap labor force , on the other hand , maintain that migrants are needed to support the massive urban infrastructure construction program .

    目前,针对流动工人的问题展开了普遍的争论。反对流动工人增加的人认为这会导致犯罪率升高,从而危害社会稳定。他们主张应该严格限制进入中国城市的流动工人。但是,另一方面,支持廉价劳动力流入的人主张,为了支持大规模的城市基础设施建设规划,流动人口是必需的。转自环 球 网 校edu24ol.com

    4. it is widely acknowledged that extensive deforestation contributed to heavy summer flooding . experts argue that china must introduce a massive afforestation program . but i doubt whether afforestation alone will solve the problem .


    5. most people are of the opinion that wealth provides solutions to all problems . but in spite of the material benefits wealth provides , i believe one should abandon the pursuit of materialism and instead concentrate on the pursuit of happiness .


    6. many people believe that capital punishment deters crime . but although criminologists have conducted exhaustive research regarding the subject , little evidence exists to support the claim .


    7. an increasing number of people are joining the “ information age ” via the internet . in reaction to the phenomenon , some say the internet has removed barrters and provided people with immediate access to the world . but do they raelize that rapidly advancing information technology can also lead to intrusions of privacy ?


    8. the use of guanxi is a widespread method for conducting business , but is it a wise one ? the method is now being challenged by more and more people .利用关系是做生意的普遍做法,但这种做法明智吗?现在,越来越多的人对这种方法提出了质疑。

    9. these days we often hear about the widening gap between the rich and poor . some argue the developed world has totally ignored the problem . but has it ? close examination fails to bear out the argument .


    10. we ' re often told that the world is tethering on the brink of destruction . but is this really the case ?

