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成考英语同义词enough sufficient adequate-成考高升本英语辅导

山西成人高考网www.sxcrgk.com 发布时间: 2013年12月22日



  adequate虽然也表示“足够的”、“充分的”,但是和另二词之间有着比较明显的细微差异,因为这个词的内涵是:对于必不可少的东西在数量上应当是合理的、公平的或不苛刻的。Five men will be quite enough(or sufficient)。这句话说的是:5个人就十分充足了,再多给一个人就没有必要了His wages are adequate to support three people.这句话说的是:他的工资够养活3个人的。即这些钱养活3个人够得上一般生活水平,并不苛刻。可见其差异非常细微。词义差别越细微,表意越准确。例如:“我为他干了3小时的活,他付给我20英镑。我觉得那20英镑的工钱是足够了的”。这两句话在英译时,其中的“足够的”必须用 adequate,因为这里说的“足够”包含了“公平、合理”的意思。故这两句可译为:I worked for him three hours,and he paid me 20 pounds.I think the 20 pounds are adequate for my work.此外,应注意下面例句中enough的各种用法:

  I like to be a professional singer,but I don't think I have a good enough voice.


  A day may begin well enough,but suddenly everything seems to get out of control.


  The currents of air that the walls of the ship direct upwards,as well as in line of its course are enough to give the great bird with its immense wings sufficent sustenance and progress.


  Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another,but he has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock repaired.


  The problem set for society is not the virtues of the type so much as its adequacy for its function,and here grave difficulties arise. He refuses to consider sufficiently the wants of the customer,who must buy,not the thing he desires but the thingthe English Gentleman wants to sell. He attends inadequately to technological development.


  The majority of the patients attending the medical outpatients departments of our hospitals feel that they have not received adequate treatment unless they are able to carry home with them some tangible remedy in the shape of a bottle of medicine,abox of pills,or a small jar of ointment…

