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山西成人高考网www.sxcrgk.com 发布时间: 2015年03月27日


  1.But (但是) “I won't go. ” “But you've told me you would.”

  “Can I help you?” “I'm afraid the box is too heavy for you, but thank you all the same.”

  2. yet ( 然而) They got to know each other a month ago, yet they have been in deep love now.

  (be in love 相爱) She has her weaknesses, yet that doesn't mean she is not qualified for the job.

  (be qualified for 胜任) She is not a native speaker, yet her French is adequate for the job.

  (be adequate for 胜任)

  3. however(然而) The text is difficult. It is , however, not beyond the reach of the students.

  At first the girl refused to go with him. Later, however, she changed her mind.

  4. for(因为) You'd better put on your coat, for it's rather cold outside.

  It must be snowing, for it is so bright outside.

  The old man sat in front of the fire most of the day, for it was very cold.

  5. so(所以) I have lived in Wuhan for five years, so I'm used to the life here.(be used to+n或doing 习惯于…… I'm used to getting up early in the morning.used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 I used to teach in the school.I used to get up late in the morning.)

  It was already rather late, so we decided to go home.

  My mother is expecting me, so I must be off now.

  Mary earns a good salary, so she can't be deep in debt. ( be in debt 陷于债务之中)

  6. and(并且) Try your best and you'll succeed this time.(succeed是动词,successful是形容词,success是名词) He shook his head and went away.(shook的原型是shake)
