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山西成人高考网www.sxcrgk.com 发布时间: 2015年03月27日

7. then(然后) First they only quarreled, and then they began to fight.

  Use your brain, and then you'll find a way.

8. or(或者) Hurry up, or you'll be late.

  You may do it yourself, or ask someone else to do it.

  He hardly ever goes to the cinema or the theatre.

9. otherwise(否则)

  She was in a hurry that morning. Otherwise she would have stopped to talk with you.

  You'd better take more exercise, otherwise you'll get fat.

10. either …or(或者……或者)

  You can come either today or tomorrow. You may either stay here or go with me.

11. neither, nor, neither…nor

  I don't know the answer, neither/nor does she. (否定句+neither/nor+倒装句)

  She couldn't speak German, neither/nor could anyone else in the class.

  I don't want to do it, nor do I want you to do it.

  She could neither speak English nor write it. We work neither for fame nor for personal gains.

  We neither know nor care what has happened.

12. both…and (两者都)

  She's looking for opportunities both here and abroad. (opportunity 机会)

  The prospects both excited and worried me.

13. not only … but also(不但……而且)

  not only … but also连接的句子成分一定要一致

  The boy not only lost the money but also came close to losing his life.

  He is like his mother not only in appearance but also in character.(not only+介词+名词,but also+介词+名词)

14. as well as(也怎么样) We have read one of his novels as well as a few of his plays.

  The kind man gave me some advice as well as some money.