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山西成人高考网www.sxcrgk.com 发布时间: 2015年08月04日
  who 主语/宾语(口语中,可省略)
  that 主语/宾语(可省略,前面不能有介词)
  whom 宾语(前面没有介词时可省略)
  whose 定语
  Do you know the person to whom he is talking?
  Do you know the person(whom/that) he is talking to?
  He is the man (who/whom/that) you can rely on.
  He is the man on whom you can rely.
  Do you know the woman who(that) is watching TV?
  You're the only one whose advice he might listen to.
  The girls whose names were called stood up.
  Here is the man (whom/that) you've been looking for.
  He is a man on whom you can safely depend.
  She wasn't on the train which /that arrived just now.
  The dog which/that was lost has been found.
  This is the question about which we've had so much discussion.
  This is the question(that/which) we've had so much discussion about.
  The novel (that/which) he recommended is worth reading.(be worth doing;值得做某事)
  当定语从句修饰的词是不定代词,如anybody, nobody, nothing等,或是有only, very, 形容词最高级等修饰的名词时,从句的关联词往往用that , that作从句的主语或宾语,作宾语时常被省略。
  Is there anything (that ) I can do for you?
  All(that) you have to do is to close the door and wait for him.
  This is one of the easiest questions that do not need answering.
  There is no one in the world who/that does not make a mistake.
  修饰时间的用when,相当于相当于“介词+ which”,在句中做状语。
  修饰地点的用where,相当于相当于“介词+ which”,在句中做状语。
  He came last night when I was going to bed.
  I know of a place where we can have lunch.
  She's going home where she can rest.
  Do you know the reason why I left early?
  There's no reason why he should do so.