本站为【传爱成考】旗下网站,主要提供免费成人高考政策与资讯,信息仅供学习交流,非官方网站,具体信息以山西省教育考试院www.sxkszs.cn/ 为准。



山西成人高考网www.sxcrgk.com 发布时间: 2015年08月08日
  关联词有so that, in order that, for fear that(以免), in case(以免)等。
  Speak clearly so that they may understand you.
  He spoke slowly in order that everyone should understand.
  I've got the key in case we want to go inside.
  关联词有so that, so…that, such…that等。such+名词,so+形容词,副词。
  It's such a good chance that we can't miss it.
  He was so angry that he could not speak.
  Everybody lent a hand so that the work was finished ahead of time.
  关联词主要有as(正如)和as if, as though.
  He looks as if he's tired.
  I did just as you told me.
  关联词有though, although, as(虽然), even if, even though, no matter, whatever, however等。
  Though I am fond of music, I can't play any instrument.(be fond of 喜爱)
  Although it is difficult, we'll do it.
  Whatever you say, I don't believe you.
  as 引导让步状语从句时, 句子需要倒装。
  Try as you may, you will never succeed.
  Young as she is, she is already familiar with most of the stories.
  (be familiar with 对……熟悉;be similar to 和……相似)
  Old as I am, I can still climb the mountain.
  I can walk faster than you can run.
  He spent twice as much time on this picture as on that one.
  He woke up as suddenly as he had fallen asleep.