本站为【传爱成考】旗下网站,主要提供免费成人高考政策与资讯,信息仅供学习交流,非官方网站,具体信息以山西省教育考试院www.sxkszs.cn/ 为准。



山西成人高考网www.sxcrgk.com 发布时间: 2013年12月19日


  if winter comes, can spring be far behind?

  what do you often have for breakfast?

  our school library is open every day except sunday.

  daddy,dinner is ready!

  do you know when teachers' day is?


  in____spring, trees turn green.

  in____spring of 1987,the old scientist returned to his motherland. answer: /; the

  the story took place in the winter of 1918. it was a very cold winter.

  但是:我们中国的有些节日前要加定冠词:the spring festival;the mid-autumn day /festival


  does your brother like to play football/basketball/chess?

  he likes to study mathematics/ physics/chemistry/english/chinese/biology/politics.

  i like playing football while my sister is interested in playing the piano.

  考点(3) 职务的名词 和 称呼语前面不加冠词

  abraham lincoln was elected president of the united states in 1860.

  wang ping, monitor of class three, won the first prize.

  jimmy said that / uncle hadn't come back and _/__auntie was out.

  the general ordered his men,"use your knife, young man!"

  考点(4) 在表示发明物,计算单位的名词前面,要加定冠词:

  a.these workers are paid by the hour/piece.(计时/件取酬)

  b.these eggs are sold by the dozen.(这些鸡蛋是论打卖的。)

  c.the gunpowder was invented in china 400 year age.

  d.alexander graham bell invented the telephone in 1876.

  e.the teacher showed us a telescope and said it was galileo who invented the telescope.

  考点(5)用和不用定冠词在意义上的差别 一般地说,无定冠词表示"抽象意思";有定冠词表示具体"某个地方或某事"

  1)in hospital(住院); in the hospital(在医院里)

  2)at table(在吃饭); at the table(在桌子旁边)

  3)out of problem(没问题;可能的);out of the problem(不可能的;成问题)

  4)in front of(在……前面); in the front of(在……内部前面)

  5)go to school(上学); go to the school(有事去学校)

  6)go to church(做礼拜); go to the church(去教堂)

  7)my wish is to go to sea.(我的愿望是当海员。);

  my wish is to go to the sea.(我的愿望是去海边。)

  8)few——a few

  few people[没几个人(表示否定)];a few people[几个人(表示肯定)]

  9)little——a little

  little water(没多少水);a little water(有点水)few——a few


  a knowledge of是一种特殊用法,指了解、知道或懂得某事,而非泛指的知识。

  eg. many people agree that ____knowledge of english is a must in ____international trade today.(nmet 96)

  a、a;不填 b。the;an c。the;the d。不填;the

  此题难度较大, knowledge通常为抽象名词,属不可数名词,其前一般不用任何冠词,后跟of english似限制它的,当用the.如此常规分析,正好误入题目设计者的圈套。这里a knowledge of是一种特殊用法,指了解、知道或懂得某事,而非泛指的知识。

  11)next morning 和the next morning的区别

  next morning明天早晨+将来时; the next morning第二天早晨+过去时

  next morning we will go to visit the great wall.

  the next morning we finished the work.


  1)a number ——the number

  a number of students would like to go for a walk after supper.(好多学生)

  the number of students in our school is 1400.(学生数)

  2)most,a most, the most

  this is a most interesting story.(most=very;这是一个非常有趣的故事。)

  this is the most interesting story of the three.(the most为最高级;这是三个故事中最有趣的故事。)

  3)a second和the second

  it is important to learn a second language.

  4)only a few=few; only a little= little

  she has only a few friends because she is a newcomer to the city.她几乎没有朋友因为她刚来这个城市。

  the boy has only a little money, so he can't afford to buy a bike.这亇孩子几乎没钱,,所哋买不起自行車。

  考点(7)两个与 the有关的句型

  a. the+比较级,the+比较级

  eg.the faster the better.

  the harder we study, the greater progress we'll make.

  b. 大处着眼,小处着手


  抓catch,seize,grasp +sb+介词+the+身体部位

  拉pull,take in+软的部位



  eg. i hit the boy on the head.

  i catch him by the ear.

  i beat him in the face.

  the little girl pulled me by the sleeve.
